The B14 is a 14-liter full carbon board ideal for kitefoil, very practical, agile and with a double rail connection system.
Its five holes guarantee ample possibilities for adjusting the footstraps. When used without footstraps, its beveled guides and low volume will allow you to sink the edge of the board for easy take off.
Its size makes this board perfect for traveling.
The B14 offers maximum control in any situation: freestyle, wave riding, pumping or simple cruising.
The B21 is a 21-liter carbon board designed for kitefoil, very practical, agile and with a double rail connection system.
This board is intended for medium to expert foilers. Despite being made entirely from carbon, its low weight will give you a significant advantage when maneuvering by reducing momentum and drag.
The small dimensions of B21 make it ideal for freestyle use and perfect for traveling.
When used without footstraps, its beveled guides and low volume will allow you to sink the edge of the board for easy take off.